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Google's quick read will make you rethink how you create content
Alright, so Google has been testing quick read for a while now. It essence they are helping people find what they are looking for faster when they perform a Google search. In other words, really long
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How Google Uses NLP and How You Can Too With Your SEO
Did you know that Google uses NLP in their algorithm to help figure out where websites should rank? Well, even if you knew that, I bet you don't use NLP in your SEO to rank higher? Here's how
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My biggest SEO mistake
I was short-sighted when I started in SEO. I wanted to make money fast—and I took shortcuts. Surprise, surprise: it didn't work out at all. I tried to game the system and found a keyword that would
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Video schema markup... an easy way to boost your SEO
Alright so check this out... Have you noticed that whenever you do a search on Google you typically see videos on the first page? It's not just you either... according to Search Metrics, 62% of
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This is What Will Happen with Instagram, Facebook and TikTok Whether You Like it Or Not
When I first started to use social media, it was drastically different than what you see today. It started with MySpace, and then Facebook, and now there is a whole slew of options to choose them. But
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RE: My most helpful blog posts
I had a client last week come to us with a tricky SEO problem. And anytime that happens, you know where my team starts? This checklist: The 15-Step SEO Audit That Is Guaranteed to Improve Rankings It
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2023 is Going to be Bad for Marketing, But There's Hope
You've seen the news on the economy... I'm no economist, but I do think I know a thing or two about the marketing industry. We've been seeing some interesting data on how companies are
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How Google Wants You to Create Meta Descriptions
Every once in a while, Google gives us a glimpse on what they want to see if you want your website to rank high. One of those moments is when they discussed meta descriptions. Check it out. Nothing
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Your email campaigns need this one thing
You want better performance for your email campaigns, right? I have the answer. I have simple (but essential) email strategies that you can implement ASAP that'll help you build your brand's
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Checkout what I learned from the Google Spam algorithm update
If you didn't know, the Google Spam algorithm update rolled out last week. We wanted to figure out what they changed as they didn't provide much detail... So we looked at the 900 million
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You may not want Google to rank your site in all countries
If you look at your Google Analytics, I bet you get traffic from more than 1 country. Even if you are only want visitors from a certain country you probably get traffic from others. It's normal...
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Google released Search Essentials, here's what it tells us about SEO
Have you seen Google Search Essentials? It is an updated version of the old Google Webmaster Guidelines. I decided to go through it all... most of the stuff in there you already know. But here is some
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The Biggest Social Media Opportunity That You Aren't Leveraging
You could say social media is saturated. You could say social media marketing is dead. But what if I told you there was a huge opportunity in social media that you aren't leveraging? This is what
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Ready to unlock major SEO growth?
Did you know that 2 out of every 3 marketers prioritize data-driven decisions when it comes to their SEO? Let me put it another way: you can't afford to just “go with your gut.” Data provides
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15 Market Research Tools That Will Help You Uncover Incredible Insights
Marketing isn't just about tactics and strategies. It's about data. What if you could peak under the hood of your competition and figure out what they are doing and what is working for them? Or
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Check out this unorthodox marketing concept... I love it
When I was a kid my mom taught me a very important lesson. I didn't realize then, but it was one of the best marketing lessons I learned. What's funny is my mom didn't realize it was a
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my favorite way to boost subscribers
I bet you are not using this strategy. It's one of the easiest ways to get way more subscribers to your content. And yet, most businesses overlook it constantly. Did you guess that I was referring
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15 SEO Chrome Extensions You Can't Live Without
It's too hard to stay on top of everything... From algorithm changes to new tactics to finding new keywords and continually creating content... the list never ends. If you had an army of people to
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Digital Marketing Strategies That Just Work
Is it me or are there way too many tactics and strategies out there? And the issue with a lot of them is they may "work" for your competition, but when you try them they just don't
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Worried about the economy? Here's how to crush Black Friday in uncertain times
Did you know that last year's Black Friday saw nearly 88 million Americans shopping online? The real question is, did you capitalize on it? And if so did you really get all the sales you could have